
Do I need to make partitions on my EBS volumes?

No. In most cases, I don’t think partitioning EBS volumes is necessary. Why do people ever partition in the first place? Partitioning a drive is useful when: you have an actual, physical computer in front of you you are planning to attach one or more actual, physical hard disks to that computer you want to apportion that space among the various segments of your filesystem (swap, /home, /boot, etc.) Why is EBS different?

Troubleshooting NICE DCV on AWS EC2 with Nvidia Drivers

NICE DCV Troubleshooting Context and Symptoms We had been using the boxes and DCV just fine for several days. When we deployed 23 of these boxes this morning, we found that we couldn’t connect to DCV Nobody could connect to NICE DCV. Blank bluish screen. Troubleshooting Attempted Looked at logs, but didn’t find anything helpful: DCV Client Logs: ~/.local/share/nicedcv/loggy-mcloggerson.log DCV Server Logs: /var/log/dcv/server.log Set the log level to DEBUG there was a red herring in there about “certificate not found”, but that was completely unrelated there just didn’t appear to be anything in the output that indicated that anything had gone wrong Decided that it might a problem with an Xserver misconfiguration Xorg Logs: /var/log/Xorg.