Six Ways to Slow Cellular Aging (?)

Veritasium - How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)

The idea that we can “slow down” and even “reverse” aging sounds more than a little unbelievable and definitely too good to be true. 1

Still, this video 2 is fascinating. It focuses on the “damaged epigenome” theory of aging, and primarily on the work of a Dr. Sinclair.

It covers a handful of interesting topics, including:

  • “immortal” jellyfish
  • “longevity” or “repair” genes
  • results from experiments with mice
    • old mice running faster and farther than young and monkeys
    • restored vision to a blind mouse
  • results from experiments with monkeys
    • reduced caloric intake
    • less incidence of sickness, diabetes, etc.
  • things you can do right now to improve your epigenome health

The Six Ways

According to the theoretical and experimental work being done by Dr. Sinclair and others, the following list of activities work together to trigger your body into repairing your epigenome, which allows your body to repair your DNA, etc.

These also all happen to be things that we Americans are not naturally inclined to do.

1. Avoid DNA Damage

  • wear sun-screen
  • avoid x-rays and other exposure to high levels of radiation

2. Eat Less in General

  • caloric restriction

3. Also, Eat Less Protein

  • more precisely, decrease amino acids in your diet
  • beef, poultry, soy, dairy, etc.

4. Elevate Your Heart Rate

  • High intensity interval training
  • Get heart rate up to 85%
  • “like you’re being chased by a lion or something”

5. Be Uncomfortably Cold

6. Be Uncomfortably Hot


  1. Sorry, cosmetics industry! ↩︎

  2. It lasts about 20 minutes and is totally worth it. ↩︎