Chapter 01: Why Model Management?

Machine Learning Logistics Book

Chapter 1


  • “Model management” is a term for the holistic view of the entire machine learning system.
  • It’s not the cool part of Machine Learning, but it’s extremely important.
  • New practitioners are going to need some practical advice on this matter.

The Best Tool for Machine Learning

  • There are so many tools for machine learning?
  • Which is the best one? It depends.
  • Use the right one for the job. Try new things. In the end, you’ll have a short list of tools you keep coming back to.

Tools for Deep Learning

  • There are a lot of tools for Deep Learning.
  • But we need some overarching, cross-cutting tools for Data Flow and Model Management.

Fundamental Needs Cut Across Different Projects

  • Regardless of which tools and models you use, the fundamental problems of logistics will largely be the same from project to project.

Tensors in the Hen Houe

  • They have a friend, Ian, who tried out Deep Learning to solve a problem with Blue Jays in his hen house.

Defining the Problem and Project Goal

  • Protect the egss against attacks from blue jays.
  • Several lessons learned:
    • Learn what data is available, how it needs to be structured. Domain knowledge is critical.
    • Retraining and updating models, and deploying new models, is going to happen a lot.
    • Once you have some AI wins, you’ll have mission creep and need/want to do it in other places too.

Real-World Considerations

  • “Model management in the real world is a powerful process that deals with large-scale changing data and changing goals, and with ways to deal with models in isolation so that they can be evaluated in specifically customized, controlled environments.”

Myth of the Unitary Model

  • Software engineers tend to think that after you’ve deployed a model, you’re done.
  • In fact, there are usually multiple models, even after you have something in production.
    • Multiple models in production
    • New models being readied to take their place
    • more than one model in development as you try different approaches

What Should You Ask About Model Management?

  • Some sample questions you might ask as you think through machine learning logistics and model management