Rust Ownership

Notes about Rust’s ownership model. Specific care taken to document vocabulary usage.


Ownership is a set of rules that govern how a Rust program manages memory.

  • Rust doesn’t use garbage collection to free up memory.
  • Rust doesn’t require the programmer to manually free memory.
  • Rust uses the concept of Ownership to determine when to free memory.

“Ownership” is a set of rules that your program must follow in order to compile. If your program violates these rules, it won’t compile.

the main purpose of Ownership is to manage heap data

  • keeping track of what parts of code are using what data on the heap
  • minimizing the amount of duplicate data on the heap
  • cleaning up unused data on the heap so you don’t run out of space

Writing code according to Ownership rules results in a logical guarantee of memory safety. It is thus safer than manual allocation/freeing of memory.

Because it is all checked at compile time, the Ownership memory management model incurs zero runtime cost. It is thus faster and more efficient than garbage collection.

Ownership Rules

  • Each value in Rust has an owner.
  • There can only be one owner at a time.
  • When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped.

References Rules

  • At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.
  • References must always be valid.

Vocabulary List

  • ownership (n)
  • garbage collection (n)
  • allocate memory (v), free / deallocate memory (v)
  • stack (n), heap (n)
  • run time (n), compile time (n)
  • last in, first out (n)
  • push a value onto a stack (v), pop a value off from a stack (v)
  • fixed-size value (n)
    • can be known at compile time
    • can be pushed to the stack
  • unknown-size value (n)
    • can only be known at run time
    • must be allocated on the heap
  • memory allocator (n)
    • logic that can allocate, grow, shrink, and deallocate arbitrary blocks of memory
    • the default allocator used by Rust is jemalloc
    • it is possible to write and use custom allocators
    • The standard library now provides a handle to the system allocator, which can be used to switch to the system allocator when desired
  • pointer (n)
    • a fixed-size value indicating the address of a block of data in memory
  • address (n)
    • where in memory the storage for a data value begins
    • an integer
    • starts at 0
    • goes up to the theoretical “maximum addressable memory limit”, which on a 64 bit system is about 16 exabytes (16 billion gigabytes)
    • on 32-bit systems, it’s 4 gigabytes
  • allocate on the heap / allocate (v)
    • kind of redundant, as “allocation” is something that only occurs on the heap
    • obtain a block of memory to be used for a value
  • allocation (n)
    • grabbing a block of memory on the heap for data you’d like to store
  • follow a pointer (v)
    • dereference a pointer
    • go see what actual data is stored in memory at that location
  • the top of the stack (n)
    • the place where all the action happens
    • values are pushed onto the top
    • values are popped off of the top
  • function parameters (n)
    • at compile time, the formal description of data that can be passed into a function, including:
      • the types of data
      • the order in which they are passed
      • the variable names that will be used to work with those data inside of the function
  • function arguments (n)
    • at run time, the actual data that are passed into a function when the function is called
  • function local variables (n)
  • value (n)
    • an actual datum like:
      • an integer
      • a string
      • a struct representing a library book
      • a reference to data that is owned elsewhere
    • the thing that actually gets stored in memory
  • owner (n)
    • The variable that is currently recognized by the compiler as owning a value
  • scope (n)
    • the range within a program for which a variable name is valid
  • come into scope (v)
    • a variable is valid to use when it has “come into scope.”
    • this generally happens either with the declaration of the variable or with the function signature
  • go out of scope (v)
    • for variables, this happens at a closing curly brace
    • for references, this happens at the last time the reference is used
    • when variables that own heap data go out of scope, they Drop that data
    • when variables that have references or other Copy-able data go out of scope, nothing happens
  • end of scope (n)
  • drop a value (v)
    • deallocate/free/return memory for this value on the heap
  • variable (n)
    • a name used for referencing a value in your code
  • string literal (n)
    • a string value hardcoded into the text of the program
  • declare a variable (v)
    • bring a variable name into scope
    • with a memory location either on the stack or on the heap
    • optionally provide an initial value for that variable
  • valid (adj)
    • of a name, meaning it can be used within a scope
    • it begins being valid when it comes into scope
    • it stops being valid when it goes out of scope
  • immutable (adj), mutable (adj)
    • whether or not data can be changed
    • variables in Rust are immutable by default
    • decided by the variable declaration
      • let x = 5 // immutable – the underlying value cannot be changed by any subsequent code
      • let mut x = 5 // mutable – the underlying value CAN be changed by subsequent code
  • mutate (v)
    • modify the underyling value that is bound to a variable
    • not possible if you haven’t declared the variable with mut, because variables are immutable by default
    • compare to shadow (v):
      • assign/bind a new value to the same variable name
      • TODO: does the old value go out of scope immediately? or at the closing curly brace?
  • hardcoded values (adj)
    • a fixed value known at compile time that is written into the executable binary
    • not passed into the program at run time as input
  • executable (n), binary (n)
    • the file artifact resulting from the compilation process – a program that can be run on the computer
  • invalid (adj)
  • drop function (n)
    • a special function/method defined for any type that needs to allocate on the heap during its lifetime and return that memory when it goes out of scope
    • Copy-able methods do not (cannot) have a drop function, and they do not need to return memory to the heap when the go out of scope
  • bind, assign (v) a value to a variable
    • associate a variable with a specific value located at a specific address in memory
  • capacity (n)
    • for strings and other values of unknown size, this is the amount of memory that has been allocated on the heap for that value by the allocator
  • length (n)
    • for strings and other values of unknown size, this is the amount of its allocated memory that it has used
  • byte (n)
    • in most systems and programming languages, this is the smallest unit of addressable memory
  • double free error (n)
    • an error that occurs when:
      • multiple variables are bound to the same value
      • those variables go out of scope
      • those variables each attempt to deallocate the heap memory associated with that value
  • memory corruption (n)
    • the actual state of values in memory is no longer consistent with what your program logic expected it to be
    • often the result of data races and other types of bugs that Rust is designed to prevent
  • reference (n)
  • invalidated reference (n)
  • invalidated variable (n)
    • when a variable is invalidated (due to a Move), you can no longer use that variable in subsequent lines of code
  • shallow copy (n)
    • copying the data on the stack and binding to a new variable
  • deep copy (n)
    • copying the data on the stack, PLUS the data on the heap and binding to a new variable
  • Copy (n, v)
    • this has special meaning in Rust
    • Rust copies stack-only data from one variable to another
  • Move (n, v)
    • this has special meaning in Rust
    • Rust invalidating one variable in favor of another
  • the clone method (v)
    • performs what is known in other languages as a “deep copy”: both the stack data and the heap data are copied
  • the Copy trait (n)
    • only placed on types that are stored completely on the stack
    • variables that refer to these types are never Moved, but are Copied because it is trivial to do so
    • not possible to implement this trait on a type if the type or any of its parts have implemented the Drop trait – results in compile-time error
  • the Drop trait (n)
    • implementing this on a type tells Rust how to deallocate the heap memory and resources associated with this
  • resource (n)
    • seems to be used in a special way to refer to things like file descriptors, etc.
  • pass a value to a function (v)
  • take ownership (v)
    • when a new scope takes ownership of a value from a different scope
  • return ownership (v)
  • static check (n)
    • checks the compiler runs at compile time to check your code for various errors
  • return values (n)
  • transfer ownership (v)
  • references (n)
    • A reference is like a pointer in that it’s an address we can follow to access the data stored at that address; that data is owned by some other variable. Unlike a pointer, a reference is guaranteed to point to a valid value of a particular type for the life of that reference.
    • References are guaranteed to be safe. Pointers are not.
    • Allow you to refer to a value without taking ownership of it
    • Immutable by default
  • lifetime (n)
    • the lifetime of a reference, during which the reference is guaranteed to be valid
  • create a reference (v)
    • We call the action of creating a reference borrowing
  • referencing (v)
    • with the &
  • dereferencing (v)
    • with the *
  • refer (v)
  • own (v)
  • borrow (v)
    • create a reference to a value so you don’t have to take ownership of it
  • borrowed value (n)
  • immutable reference (n)
  • mutable reference (n)
    • allows us to make changes to the value
    • if you have a mutable reference to a value, you can have no other references to that value
    • The restriction preventing multiple mutable references to the same data at the same time allows for mutation but in a very controlled fashion
    • The benefit of having this restriction is that Rust can prevent data races at compile time
    • We also cannot have a mutable reference while we have an immutable one to the same value.
  • data race (n)
    • Two or more pointers access the same data at the same time.
    • At least one of the pointers is being used to write to the data.
    • There’s no mechanism being used to synchronize access to the data.
  • race condition (n)
  • reference’s scope (n)
    • starts where the reference is introduced
    • ends with the last time that reference is used
    • the compiler can tell that the reference is no longer being used at a point before the end of the scope.
  • dangling pointer (n)
    • a pointer that references a location in memory that may have been given to someone else—by freeing some memory while preserving a pointer to that memory
    • In Rust, by contrast, the compiler guarantees that references will never be dangling references: if you have a reference to some data, the compiler will ensure that the data will not go out of scope before the reference to the data does
  • lifetime specifier (n)
  • slice (n)
    • a slice is a specific type of reference
    • it does not have ownership, it is a borrow
    • Slices let you reference a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection rather than the whole collection
  • collection (n)
    • a data structure that groups more than one data value together in some way
    • lists
    • maps
    • queues
    • etc

verbs with ownership

When assigning values to variables in the same function. Also passing values to function calls.

  • copy (shallow / stack)
  • clone (deep / heap)
  • move
    • first reference to value is invalidated
    • leaves only second reference valid

types of references that can be passed to functions

from the chapter on structs

  • immutable
    • consume
  • mutable
    • borrow
    • consume

Methods can take ownership of self, borrow self immutably as we’ve done here, or borrow self mutably, just as they can any other parameter.


  • push, pop, last-in/first-out
  • data here must have a known, fixed size at compile time
  • pushing to the stack is not referred to as allocating
  • much faster than allocating on the heap because there’s no searching or bookkeeping involved


  • data with unknown or changeable size must be stored here
  • space is allocated and a pointer is returned
  • slower than pushing to the stack because it has to find space and keep track of where all the blocks of data begin and end